We view health as balance of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, rather than the simple absence of disease
COVID-19 UPDATE: Sundance TCM strictly follows CDC Safety Guidelines, including distancing, screening, disinfection, and medical grade air purification.
Please note that masks must be worn at all times.
You don't have to suffer with chronic ailments. Common conditions like allergies, digestive disorders, menstrual pain or endometriosis, menopause symptoms, respiratory disorders like chronic bronchitis, headaches and migraines, musculoskeletal issues including back pain, misalignment and scoliosis (we love to straighten spines!) and more, respond favorably to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs, by strengthening deficiencies and reducing excess in the meridians, can establish balance and health. We can treat existing diseases. Perhaps more importantly, we can maintain health and well-being, and keep your mind, body, and spirit in balance by monitoring and adjusting imbalances before they manifest as disease.
Sundance TCM employs a variety of gentle, non-invasive, results-oriented techniques to establish and maintain optimal health. Each treatment begins with a personalized assessment of your overall health, a customized differential diagnosis, and a personalized treatment plan that employs any one or a combination of our services.
At Sundance TCM, it is our goal to help you alleviate disease and discomfort through the most effective means possible, to create an environment that allows the body to rehabilitate itself, and to provide you with tools to live a healthy life where body, mind, and spirit are in sync to allow healing and growth to take place.